On September 29th, the day after Kentucky sports betting apps launch, coffee drinkers are encouraged to brew that first pot extra strong in celebration of National Coffee Day. Here at BetKentucky.com, we’re marking the occasion by attempting to answer America’s biggest coffee culture question — which is better: Dunkin’ or Starbucks?
Our search for the answer began by finding out which chain was more popular in Kentucky. To do that, we looked at the number of locations of both Dunkin’ and Starbucks in the state. Then we compared how many people searched “Starbucks near me” vs. “Dunkin’ Donuts near me” on Google.
Favorite Coffee Brand in Kentucky
Kentucky is a Starbucks State
America may run on Dunkin’, but Kentucky sure doesn’t. According to the data we collected, there’s no question that Kentucky prefers Starbucks to Dunkin’. The Bluegrass state has the 17th most Starbucks locations per capita in the country (3.66 per 100,000 people). Meanwhile, there’s only 0.9 Dunkin’ for every 100,000 Kentuckians. Starbucks also dominates on Google, being searched 79% more frequently than Dunkin’.
Named after the first mate aboard the ship in “Moby Dick,” Starbucks first opened shop in 1971, but began aggressively expanding in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Today there are over 35,000 locations in 80s countries — making Starbucks the biggest coffee chain in the world. Outside of the U.S.A. — where there are over 15,000 Starbucks — the countries with the most locations are China, Canada, and Korea.
There are apparently more than 87,000 different drink combinations that can be made from the ingredients at Starbucks — but whatever you’re preference is, we suggest enjoying it alongside your daily dose of Kentucky sports betting news from BetKentucky.com.

Jeff Parker is a writer for BetKentucky.com. A writer for film, television, and the internet, Jeff is a life long movie buff, with an actual Masters Degree in Popular Culture. He lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he works full-time as a documentary filmmaker and producer.