When it comes to finding the perfect gift for Christmas, it’s difficult to get it just right with some members of the family.
Will mom be offended by anything for the kitchen or is that what she needs? Does your husband really need another item for his Man Cave? Do you really want to risk choosing the wrong scent for your girlfriend at Bed, Bath & Beyond?
BetKentucky.com took a break from Kentucky sports betting and used the Google Trends ‘Topics’ feature to find the related topics and queries to “Christmas gift” for the last 90 days from Sept. 7 to Dec. 7 and ranked the Top 5 according to volume.
Who are People Struggling to Shop For?
Mom Gets Most Searches
The biggest Christmas gift searches in the past three months in Kentucky have been for mother, husband, girlfriend, grandparent and teen boy.
Now, when looking up Christmas gifts and Kentucky in the search bar, you know the biggest amount of hits are coming back with bourbon, bourbon-themed items and many things dealing with alcohol. That’s the kind of favorite you can only dream about on Kentucky betting apps.
However, there are some in there your mom might still like. A Christmas gift idea list from the Louisville Courier Journal has a few such items. Bourbon truffles made with different Kentucky spirits would be a popular item. Tea samplers from the Louisville Tea Company make the list.
Monogrammed leather items such as key chains or cell phone cases lend a personal touch for anyone on your list ,and it’s typically something people won’t think to buy for themselves. Getting back to mom, Louisville’s Bourbon & Blush Salon & Spa sells bourbon-infused skin care products. Surely, there are other places around the state that can leave you smelling like your favorite bourbon.
CBSnews.com also has a lengthy Christmas list for mom, which if we’re being honest is the person you should be focused on the most here. The Nuface Trinity+ starter kit is high on that list, as are drink items such as a Barsys smart coaster for making the perfect cocktails and the Ember smart mug to keep your favorite hot drinks fresh and hotter longer.
When it comes to shopping for the husband or man in your life, thekentuckygent.com falls back a little on the cliche purchases, such as socks and Bulleit bourbon, but there are also cookbook ideas for men and some skincare products that most men might not think to buy for themselves. Be adventurous in your choices and try to stay away from the gifts you get each year, unless mom and dad expect that good bottle of bourbon under the tree for cocktails later in the day. If that’s the case, then don’t mess that up.
Happy shopping everyone and Merry Christmas.

Douglas Pils has been a sports journalist for 30 years in Texas, Arkansas and New York having worked for the San Antonio Express-News, the Associated Press, The Dallas Morning News and Newsday. He currently runs the Student Media Department at Baylor University.